Printavo Automation
Automate your shop workflow and become more efficient.
You’re busy. Let Printavo Automation push jobs forward, saving you time.

Printavo shops have created 132,575 automations
Example automations to supercharge your shop
Sales Automation
- Request quote approval via email & text messages
- Change invoice status when customer approved
- Notify graphic designer, ready for artwork
- Request 100% payment
- Request remaining balance
Artwork Automation
- Notify outsourced digitizing team
- Send customer art approval notification
- Change status to “Art Approved
- Assign tasks to pre-production team
- Notify Production Manager with order issues
- Remind press operator to take photo of first printed garment
- Assign tasks to shipping/receiving
- Email and text customer when order is ready for pick-up/shippinig
You’re too busy.
By using our triggers and actions, you can automation repetitive tasks in your shop.

Printavo is the air traffic control that our business needed. Our entire business now fluidly moves from initial quotes to completed invoices almost effortlessly. Thank you Bruce and the Printavo Team for preserving our profits and sanity.
– Justin, Oklahoma Shirt Company
– Justin, Oklahoma Shirt Company

I have found Printavo very effective in allowing customers to understand their purchases. That is such an underrated factor in not only landing new clients but keeping them informed.
– Chris, Shirt Agency
– Chris, Shirt Agency

I've been recommending Printavo to other people in the industry for a few years now. It's the best, most user friendly calendar, scheduling, and payment service there is.
– Kyle, KadMark
– Kyle, KadMark