Now that you have your books and staff in place, managing the livelihood of your business and team is crucial. Making sure they are paid on time and in the most professional way possible is your new job. There are several payroll solutions that will integrate...
Screen Printing
PrintHustlers Guide To: Growing a Successful Screen Printing Business, Chapter 9: Accounting and Profit
Accounting This is the portion you might already be dreading in your business: the books. It’s easy to argue that accounting and bookkeeping are the most critical parts of your business. Having accurate books will ensure that you are running a clean and...
PrintHustlers Guide To: Growing a Successful Screen Printing Business, Chapter 8: Training is Undervalued
You’re about to board a flight from Chicago to Los Angeles. But this flight is unique because you get to choose your pilot. One is untrained, while the other has had six months of training. Which pilot do you choose? The one that’s been trained,...
How To Make Mockups For Screen Printing
Let's face it, most business today is done online. Screen printers in the past had to print example pieces, or gamble on a design and color choice, all hoping that customers would purchase them in the end. This meant a ton of inventory and networking that is all done...
PrintHustlers Guide To: Growing a Successful Screen Printing Business, Chapter 7: Equipment
Whether you’ve never purchased a piece of printing equipment before, or are looking to upgrade your current equipment to expand your shop, think carefully through any equipment purchase you make for your business. The “Why” The first thing to...
PrintHustlers Guide To: Growing a Successful Screen Printing Business, Chapter 6: Sales and Commission Team Management
As you establish your printing company, you learn quickly that sales are the fuel keeping the lights on and your presses printing. Whether you exist in a market saturated with print shops or work in an area where you’re the only shop around, you exist to fill a...
PrintHustlers Guide To: Growing a Successful Screen Printing Business, Chapter 5: Hiring Takes Time — Here’s How We Do it in Four Steps
As you begin to grow, you will find yourself needing more help. Hiring employees is a critical step for your business, and making the correct early hiring decisions pays off later. Great team members are worth much more than average ones. Poor hires are a drag on your...