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Product Updates

Printavo Merch [Beta] Fixes and Improvements

Printavo Merch [Beta] Fixes and Improvements

Release: April 5, 2019 Printavo Merch has been a labor of love for a long time. The entire Printavo team are thrilled to see its growth. More than 700 shops are using it to run their online stores! Merch [Beta] has processed thousands of orders. Its metrics blow past...

Welcome Ben Golden to Printavo!

Welcome Ben Golden to Printavo!

We're thrilled to welcome our newest software developer, Ben Golden. Published author, management consultant, standup comedian, and poker player, Ben somehow finds time to be a father and bug-squashing software developer. Ben joins head software developer Piotr...

Printavo Merch [Beta] Rollout Begins

Printavo Merch [Beta] Rollout Begins

Looking for a simpler solution for online stores? So are we. That's why we've spent more than a year developing Printavo Merch. Too many print shops struggle with making sense of online stores. How do you integrate them into your production environment? How do you...

What to Buy When You Sign up for Printavo

What to Buy When You Sign up for Printavo

So you just signed up for Printavo, and you have questions about what hardware you need to get started. We asked our team for advice about what you'll need to purchase to use Printavo to its fullest extent. They showed us four simple tools for getting the most out of...

ShipStation Integration With Printavo

ShipStation Integration With Printavo

ShipStation has grown to be a shipping powerhouse in the printing community. Printavo natively integrates with EasyPost as a 3rd party shipper, but now you can utilize ShipStation too! To do this, you will need an active Zapier account. Zapier allows 1,000+ apps to...

Updates to Printavo for iOS iPhone (and Three Additional Fixes to Printavo)

Total Owed Calculations

We have changed the default behavior for calculating the "Total Owed" that is displayed for customers. The total is now calculated by Invoices only, instead of Quotes and Invoices. As always, please contact us with questions and feedback.

Order Export Fields

Order Export Fields

We added additional fields to utilize in Excel (or your preferred spreadsheet software) when exporting orders. You may now view the following fields: Invoice # Nickname Created Date Custom Created At Production Due Date Customer Due Date Customer Full Name Customer...

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