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$0 to $5m in Screen Printing Sales – What Roles to Hire For

Photo of Steven Farag and Bruce Ackerman looking at a Hiring Guide

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It’s Bruce and Steven’s De-classified Hiring Survival Guide! What should your team look like at certain revenue points? How many people should be on press at 500k in revenue? 1 million? Steven gives insight on how his shop grew at these different milestones.

The PrintHustlers Podcast has published more than 200 episodes with print industry leaders and experts. If you want a candid look inside the minds of the industry’s best, then we’re the podcast for you. Here are a few of our favorite episodes:



00:00:04:05 – 00:00:19:00

Hey Print Hustlers. Welcome back to the pronounces podcast. Excited to have you. And that’s because we’re diving into revenue breakdowns and the team structure. What should the team structure look like at different revenue breakdowns? Why is this important? Well,

00:00:19:00 – 00:00:26:14

if you haven’t gotten to that revenue marker again, let’s say you’re at 250 K in sales and you want to continue growing.

00:00:26:14 – 00:00:47:12

Well, what does a $1 million shop look like? What does the team look like? What are the different peoples roles look like. And using that can help demystify it and get you a little bit ahead of the curve to be able to start hiring a little bit earlier and be less reactionary. So excited to dive in, but real quick.

00:00:47:12 – 00:01:09:04

We’ve got four incredible sponsors here today that we are going to, talk just briefly about because they are they’ve been a big supporter of us, for, gosh, what, two years? Three years? I don’t know, quite some time. So big thank you to these folks. Is there a true partner in your business as well? First up, graph X source.

00:01:09:06 – 00:01:32:02

If you need a solution to improve efficiency and reduce costs in your art department, graphics offers industry leading outsourcing options for your shop. By truly becoming a part of your team, they plug and play with printable or any other shop management solution that you use and, help pull in artwork, handle snaps and mockups. Creative. Our digitizing all that good stuff.

00:01:32:02 – 00:01:40:23

They’ve been doing it for over 30 years. And if you mention printable part two for they get you to 50% off your first back to your SAP or digitizing order.

00:02:23:01 – 00:02:27:20


00:02:27:20 – 00:02:58:08

Multi craft. Daddy, if you need ink supplies or daddy. Multitasking. Putting in digital supplies for 50 years. And then I’m pretty sure that’s like their, trademarked slogan. They’ve been providing you with top brands at competitive pricing mentioned printable pod. Get 10% off first order and then number three DM multi craft underscore daddy. Send them your email address and he enters you in a contest to win free stuff every week PMI tape I don’t know what what’s the other stuff you guys are talking about

00:02:58:08 – 00:03:01:10

that he sent us.

00:03:01:12 – 00:03:07:17


00:03:07:20 – 00:03:09:08

Oh hey

00:03:09:08 – 00:03:23:16

let’s go.

00:03:23:18 – 00:03:24:08

All right.

00:03:24:08 – 00:03:27:08

Super color. I don’t I don’t know if you’ve seen this,

00:03:28:08 – 00:03:29:20


00:03:29:20 – 00:03:31:08


00:03:31:08 – 00:03:34:09

If you go to store dot super,

00:03:34:09 – 00:03:43:21

this is part of their new experience. Really, really exciting. Why? Because you can literally just drag and drop. I ordered stuff on there the other day.

00:03:44:03 – 00:04:01:22

You can drag and drop files, auto sizes. It’s you. You select the type of transfer you want and boom, you hit order. It’s like off the Shopify experience. So it’s so, so quick and it’s incredible to work with the new V2 transfers that they’ve the technology that they have in those things is incredible. Really easy to use and feel.

00:04:01:22 – 00:04:08:16


00:04:08:18 – 00:04:23:08


00:04:23:14 – 00:04:31:20

Yeah. And, last but not least, printable one five. That gets you 15% off your order. So dump that in there. All right, so

00:04:31:20 – 00:04:55:08

you we talked a little bit about this last time, but you’ve been doing a variety of different consulting, you know, helping shops doing all kinds of things. And I think the big thing that helps when you have a coach with your business is if they’ve been there and done that, they can just help you maybe make 15% less mistakes on a good day, maybe 30% less.

00:04:55:08 – 00:04:59:20

I think, like as owners, we’re still a little bit stubborn with the things we want to do,

00:04:59:20 – 00:05:01:08

but seeing around

00:05:01:08 – 00:05:03:08

the corner is is helpful.

00:05:03:08 – 00:05:27:03

Well, I first of all say thank you for everyone that’s reached out. I was overwhelmed with, interest. And so I’m completely booked up for next quarter. So, if you’re still interested, shoot me a message. I’m happy to put you on the calendar, but I think the resounding questions that we constantly get are like organizational structure.

00:05:27:05 – 00:05:38:20

And more often than not, when someone makes a bad hire, there’s a lot of regret. What did I do wrong? But then when someone makes a good hire, they’re like, man, I should have made this hire years ago,

00:05:39:02 – 00:05:40:08


00:05:40:08 – 00:05:53:14

I think what we want to do, Bruce, is break down at different revenue streams. How many employees you think you should have, what are the basic formulas you maybe need to do on napkin math?

00:05:53:16 – 00:06:14:10

And who are those first couple of hires every step of the business? I think, you know, as you’re listening to this, maybe you can compare your own notes of how you hired in your business. but I think these building blocks are really scary. Hiring is really, really hard and difficult. and maybe we can talk through some of the printable ones, too.

00:06:14:12 – 00:06:14:23

We call,

00:06:15:03 – 00:06:16:09


00:06:16:09 – 00:06:17:21


00:06:17:21 – 00:06:49:09

maybe we could just do a high level of what we think the revenue breakpoints are. So these are the different stopping points that I. I thought were changes in the business and in that, like, the business was going down this path, and it kind of tilts in a different direction. So I thought those were, six different points that we’ll talk about 100 K in sales, 500 K, 1 million in sales, 2 million, 3,000,000 in 5,000,000.

00:06:50:01 – 00:06:50:21

Am I is that

00:06:50:21 – 00:06:53:09

too many? Too little? What do you think?

00:07:04:05 – 00:07:12:00


00:07:48:09 – 00:07:50:09

Yeah. Yeah. I mean,

00:07:50:09 – 00:07:58:13

I’m curious as to the margins. I mean, what would you say if maybe a half goes to just garments and other cogs at the gate?

00:07:59:01 – 00:08:13:08

Yeah, it’s about 50%. Right. So 50% is your cost of goods sold and the price it takes to maybe produce it. So, you know, a campus Inc, we say that, $0.08, 8 to $0.10 on the dollar is what it takes to produce the shirt.

00:08:13:08 – 00:08:14:10

That’s our calculation.

00:08:14:10 – 00:08:15:05


00:08:15:05 – 00:08:21:09

and then we say, you know, there’s another 10 to 15%, on the back office, right?

00:08:21:10 – 00:08:49:17

And then, you know, and so what you want to look at is say, like, let’s just take 30% of a quarter million, 30% of a quarter million is $75,000. So if you did $250,000 in sales, $75,000 and should be allocated to payroll and probably yourself, so that’s not a lot of money.

00:08:50:01 – 00:08:51:05


00:09:03:17 – 00:09:07:05

So you have maybe one full time, probably a part time person.

00:09:12:17 – 00:09:27:08

and so what, you want to start to think about is this ratio of revenue per employee, really strong companies might have a ratio of $300,000 per employee.

00:09:27:10 – 00:09:41:05

Right. but only doing 250,000 $300,000 in sales. You probably can only have one employee working with you if you are paying yourself as an employee. So it’s really a two person operation. Does that sound reasonable?

00:09:41:05 – 00:10:00:17

I think so, so maybe let’s call it one, two, one and a half. Now, what would that role be? So you’re getting started. You know, you broke 50 to 100 K. That’s an incredible starting point. You’re looking at the first person when I get to 202 50. What do you think that is. Is that operations. It was a front office.

00:10:15:05 – 00:10:21:18

you as an owner have to realize what you’re good at. If you’re the great salesperson, then you have to hire the screen printer.

00:10:21:20 – 00:10:30:02

If you’re the great screen printer, you need to hire the front office. So it has to be the opposite of what you are doing. It can’t be the same.

00:10:30:02 – 00:10:44:13

I think thinking about our friends here, right? If someone’s a great printer, you know, in the industry, right, then they have to hire for the opposite. you know, we could take a couple of our friends, for instance.

00:10:44:17 – 00:10:50:06

Right. who’s a friend of ours early on that was probably crazy at printing.

00:10:50:09 – 00:10:53:06

Could I ask you, maybe another question then, is that

00:10:53:06 – 00:10:54:18

what do you think

00:10:54:18 – 00:11:16:10

is the most valuable thing that they could be doing? Because I definitely agree that, you know, if they’re able to do these, these crazy quality prints, you know, whatever it is, technical stuff that they’re trying to do, and they hire someone else to do sales, is the value is the largest value add being able to do those crazy technical prints?

00:11:16:12 – 00:11:32:19

And maybe the answer is yes right now, but is it at 1 million in sales? Is it does that continue or is it okay for it to be there now? Because you’re right. And I do think a lot of folks obviously get in this business because they are passionate about the art and they are passionate about the print process.

00:11:32:19 – 00:11:33:21

And that’s really cool.

00:11:39:11 – 00:11:43:11

Oh all right. Trademark.

00:11:46:19 – 00:12:03:23

where you see businesses thrive that are like they have co-founders, right? Like, I look at a stoked on printing with Shane and and and Kevin. Right. where one person is the front, one person to the back, right? Or a husband and wife operation. This is where you start to see that I think this early on

00:12:09:00 – 00:12:19:15


00:12:19:17 – 00:12:29:02

Got it.

00:12:29:03 – 00:12:33:11


00:12:33:11 – 00:12:39:03

All right, I like it. So it’s really the opposite of your different skill set. All right, stage two,

00:12:39:03 – 00:12:41:11

500 K. Or is it hire?

00:12:48:11 – 00:13:10:15

This is a business that spans, you know, call it, you know, $120,000 on, on payroll. maybe some owners comp in there for another 30,000, right. and maybe trying to get 5 to 10% profit.

00:13:10:17 – 00:13:27:20

so these are where you’re going to have 2 to 3 employees. And here is where I think the mistake is made, is everyone just hires more screen printers and they don’t counterbalance on the other side. This is where the owner will say, I just handle all the intake, and I just have printers in the back. That print.

00:13:27:22 – 00:13:35:11

and this is where I think the critical mistake is made, where for every back office, you need to hire a front or you need to have some sort of formula that’s starting

00:13:35:11 – 00:13:59:11

interesting. So? So, what do you think is the ideal structure here? So if, let’s say the owner is now jumping to different, you know, there’s, I’m assuming 1 to 2 people in addition to the owner. So one is a printer. that leaves you 1 to 2 ish more. Where do you place are you having, like, more of an account manager that’s helping or you

00:13:59:11 – 00:14:00:23

having someone, you know, prep

00:14:00:23 – 00:14:05:11

screens or is the printer prepping as well?

00:14:15:18 – 00:14:16:23


00:14:16:23 – 00:14:22:04

there were I had two business partners and two screen printers,

00:14:22:04 – 00:14:25:00

and a guy that folded shirts in the afternoon occasionally flew,

00:14:25:05 – 00:14:26:12


00:15:23:08 – 00:15:26:08

So this front office person’s a superhero.

00:15:28:04 – 00:15:47:00


00:15:50:22 – 00:15:52:08

Got it.

00:15:57:16 – 00:16:00:13

I mean, not if they’re also going to the back to helping

00:16:00:13 – 00:16:05:18

you know, because you talk about folding checking in you know other occasional that’s not

00:16:05:18 – 00:16:14:06


00:16:14:06 – 00:16:37:16

If you can get it on the customer service and order entry side. Yeah. My worry though is especially at that size, you know, the customer interactions. yeah, I think, yes. If you could find the right person and I think that they, they can hop on the phone, they can do email. They’re available during work hours. I could see it.

00:16:37:18 – 00:16:47:06

But I do think thinking back to that time, I was so, you know, cautious of customer interactions and,

00:16:47:06 – 00:16:48:18

and maybe,

00:16:48:18 – 00:16:57:19

maybe too much so but I was I was like, you know, how are we writing this back? Or are we going a little bit above and beyond on this? Are we, you know, how are we handling this and so on?

00:16:57:21 – 00:17:06:06

I personally that would be hard for me to, to give to someone, even if they’re in the States like you know, someone in Texas or

00:17:06:06 – 00:17:26:14

different state.

00:17:26:18 – 00:17:55:01

Dude, you know what? This makes me think that maybe this was the time that that skill set of being able to, you know, really build the team that’s going to do those important tasks regardless of if they’re full time or not, or like, physically in your building or not. Like this. This was the beginning of it. And and like my, my gut is like, no, like I have to answer that.

00:17:55:01 – 00:18:00:18

I have to enter this in. I have to call back the person I need to do this. But yeah,

00:18:00:18 – 00:18:09:16

I think you’re right.

00:18:09:19 – 00:18:11:04

Yeah, I think you’re right.

00:18:39:03 – 00:18:46:22

Now, on the production side here, are you saying maybe one, one part time, then one person, one part time,

00:18:46:22 – 00:18:47:22

or does it just depend

00:18:47:22 – 00:18:49:10

on the workload or what.

00:18:49:10 – 00:18:51:21

I think you have to have someone.

00:18:51:21 – 00:19:02:04

I think this is where the owner needs to take a position and say, I’m going to be the best possible customer service person I can be, because that’s the only thing that’s going to grow my business. And I can’t be on press.

00:19:02:04 – 00:19:13:18

I think that if you’re in a position where you are the customer service, doing emails and doing a great job of that and you’re trying to jump on price, you should just sub out your work.

00:19:13:23 – 00:19:14:16


00:19:20:04 – 00:19:21:16

All or some.

00:19:27:14 – 00:19:28:14


00:19:29:10 – 00:19:31:10

That’s an interesting test.

00:20:06:12 – 00:20:21:07

That’s tough. Just like the delegation part of the people related tasks. This is the delegation that the printing dates. You know, it’s like he got to this point from buying the equipment from, you know, loving the process and everything. And then it’s like, nope, I’m taking that.

00:20:43:23 – 00:20:44:19


00:20:44:19 – 00:20:46:07

to sign.

00:21:07:11 – 00:21:09:01

But now it’s a great paperweight.

00:21:19:01 – 00:21:27:15

Yeah, that’s a good question. So artwork how is artwork being handled in this stage. Because we didn’t we said one front office are doing the kind of superhero the probably not doing art though.

00:21:27:15 – 00:21:29:03

Printer. My

00:21:29:03 – 00:21:30:15

more back office owner.

00:21:52:17 – 00:21:54:02


00:22:07:14 – 00:22:40:02

How do you work? Well with the team like that on the art department. Because you know, obviously graphics is a huge supporter of us. So I’m not like throwing shade. It’s just more. So I think this is a new thing for people, especially, core core aspects of the business that you interact with daily. So are there any good best practices of like, all right, we had to rework the way we think about doing things to work better with graphics or any other, you know,

00:22:40:02 – 00:22:52:02

outsource art department.

00:23:07:20 – 00:23:08:02


00:23:08:02 – 00:23:10:14

they’re like, graphics work inside this. This

00:23:10:14 – 00:23:13:14

Messer. Yeah.

00:23:15:02 – 00:23:21:08


00:23:21:10 – 00:23:33:02


00:23:34:23 – 00:23:35:14

It’s a good point.

00:23:35:14 – 00:23:39:14

They work with so many shops and they’ve dialed this process in on their own pretty

00:23:39:14 – 00:24:13:14


00:24:13:22 – 00:24:31:02

Okay. So production side, the creative side, on there, you talked about building stores and stuff, so? So it’s a little bit like the sort of operational side of art, and or are they helping you on the DTF side to measure how much you

00:24:31:02 – 00:24:32:02

have to prep to get that

00:24:32:02 – 00:24:33:14

ready for when you print

00:24:33:14 – 00:24:39:02


00:24:39:16 – 00:24:40:14


00:25:37:02 – 00:25:38:14


00:25:42:14 – 00:25:44:02


00:25:47:02 – 00:25:48:14


00:25:57:06 – 00:26:04:02


00:26:23:04 – 00:26:24:14

Easier. Easier. Link.

00:26:24:14 – 00:26:26:02

What’s the next, do you

00:26:26:02 – 00:26:31:02

think, then, the next point, revenue break is 1 million. Or is it

00:26:31:02 – 00:26:32:14

higher? Okay. 1

00:26:32:14 – 00:26:40:02

million. And what do you think? The owner’s time, by the way, is work worth at 1 million?

00:26:45:09 – 00:26:50:14

All right, so 100 grand a year, divided by call. 2000 hours is 50 bucks an hour.

00:26:51:01 – 00:26:58:11


00:26:58:15 – 00:27:01:23

Oh, I I don’t even remember. I feel

00:27:01:23 – 00:27:04:23

like I shoot off so much random stuff.

00:27:04:23 – 00:27:06:01

Oh, yeah.

00:27:17:12 – 00:27:18:19

yeah. Yeah, I remember now.

00:27:23:01 – 00:27:37:07

Yeah, yeah, yeah, that was a great. That was Gino Workman’s new book. So Gino is the guy who wrote traction, which you talk about a lot, the iOS business system that in fact, I think is a good time to start that at 1 million, which you can talk about in a second. But

00:27:37:07 – 00:27:40:16

in his new book, I think it’s called shine.

00:27:40:16 – 00:28:01:10

Maybe something. Yeah, yeah, shine. But he said, which I love to do a deep dive into this book, actually another one, because I’ve highlighted a ton of stuff, but one of the really cool quotes is anything under $25 an hour, which, you know, full respect to people who you know are working hard and are at that scale.

00:28:01:10 – 00:28:03:17

And it’s a good stepping block. But

00:28:03:17 – 00:28:09:08

that should be outsourced. You should not be doing that, touching it, thinking about it, you know, anything like that. And it

00:28:09:08 – 00:28:11:20


00:28:11:20 – 00:28:30:08

More exactly, exactly. Which is not just a work thing. He was pushing that as a, you know, personal family life thing and a work thing. So things at home, he said house things that you should not be doing, any house related chores or things like that at all.

00:28:30:17 – 00:28:31:09

you know, you’re talking

00:28:31:09 – 00:28:37:09

about cleaning, surprisingly cooking. You can have under this, this bucket as well,

00:28:37:09 – 00:28:38:21

you know,

00:28:38:21 – 00:28:48:21

laundry, whatever. All those things are doing that you just either really don’t like doing and or 25 or under outsource it. So anyway,

00:28:48:21 – 00:28:50:07

all right, let’s talk about.

00:28:50:07 – 00:28:58:09

If you’re running $1 million shop, let’s just make sure we get back to the brass tacks of this. If you’re running $1 million shop, you should be for 4 to 5 employees.

00:28:58:17 – 00:28:59:09


00:29:00:09 – 00:29:01:16

For time

00:29:01:16 – 00:29:07:04

I think so. So about a third or so, about a quarter or so goes to payroll.

00:29:07:04 – 00:29:13:01

Yeah. So if you took $250,000 to payroll and split that over five, that’s five $50,000 employees,

00:29:13:18 – 00:29:13:22


00:29:13:22 – 00:29:37:10

is that what you think is roughly on average, right. Because there’s an interesting thread also on Facebook and then like, what are you guys paying in more rural areas? And the consensus was like 25 to 30 an hour depending. And then more manager and production management type was around 100 or so, you know, plus or -30 K maybe.

00:29:46:10 – 00:29:46:22


00:29:46:22 – 00:29:48:10

Health care.

00:29:53:22 – 00:29:58:21

and so we call it like burning, like the burden of, of employment.

00:29:58:23 – 00:30:21:21

and so you should here’s, here’s what’s cool is with 5 or 6 employees, you should be able to run a $1 million company. To run a $1.5 million company might only take another employee and a half, like that’s where you start. I think we made the most amount of money when we were at like one 6 to 2 million, because we were running as lean as if we did a million.

00:30:21:22 – 00:30:54:22

Like with those 5 or 6 employees. But the money you make on the back half of it is gravy. and so, you know, if you only have $300,000 of payroll on 1.6, right, like that’s incredible, you know, but $300,000 a payroll on 1 million is a little heavy. So when you start to get to that million dollar mark, it’s so important that you invest in sales and marketing to to make this jump quickly.

00:30:56:10 – 00:31:05:13

this, like, limbo space. and that’s where you might not make money in the climb. But once you get to that one, 6 to 2, you’re in a much better spot.

00:31:05:13 – 00:31:07:01

That’s cool. Laundry’s done.

00:31:13:04 – 00:31:29:13

No. No, no. That’s great. so. So we’ve got the existing team from 507 50. What else are we adding? So you talk about sales and marketing. Are we are we saying dedicated account management? Is the front office person also doing less work because before they were super hearing it.

00:31:30:02 – 00:31:49:09

I think you have more dedicated. So now you start to, like, create experts in niches. This front office person does not leave the front office. They’re just answering emails. They’re just doing customer service. They are just asking for Google reviews. Like, we hadn’t really started outbound sales yet. We were just trying to maximize like build off the relationships we have.

00:31:49:12 – 00:31:54:00

it was at about 1.6 that Kevin started working with Mila Baumgartner,

00:31:55:04 – 00:31:56:00

Kevin Boehm

00:31:56:00 – 00:31:57:12

set sales.

00:31:57:12 – 00:32:10:11

was able to get the business to this, and then I had to be like, okay, I need a coach now. and then this is where I was trying to hire a real production supervisor, like someone that can really own the shop floor.

00:32:10:13 – 00:32:32:22

And we struggled with that for a long time. This is where we tried to promote from within. We try to take our best screen printer and make them a manager. but I think this is where if you can find overpay for senior leadership, you will feel lighter as a business owner. to have someone in the back that just is crushing it for you.

00:32:32:23 – 00:32:35:12

And this is where a lot of people will struggle.

00:32:35:17 – 00:33:02:11

We’re, you know, giving the chance to someone to potentially take on a role like that. That’s hard. I think we’ve done it successfully, and probably more so unsuccessfully. I have tried to do it by just giving them more tasks that a manager would take on. I think that’s also difficult, though, because they have their existing stuff that as an individual contributor that they need to be doing.

00:33:02:13 – 00:33:23:16

And honestly, you know, they probably don’t have management experience yet like people management experience yet. And truthfully, like that’s a bit different of a career path as far as managing people versus just being an awesome individual contributor. And also, I think there’s nothing wrong with it. But like, there is this weird expectation where people are like, all right, next step.

00:33:23:18 – 00:33:46:16

I want to be a manager, right? And it’s like, all right, you know, and you try it and then they’re like, yeah, you’re dealing with all these people problems now. You’re not you’re not working on your craft or just focusing on yourself now. Sorry, long way of saying is there have I’m assuming you’ve made it work. things that can help others for for trying to see if this could work.

00:33:46:16 – 00:33:49:00

Or maybe like a test run for, for folks.

00:33:49:00 – 00:33:50:12

And by the way, because that’s,

00:33:50:12 – 00:34:02:00

the last thing I’ll put on is that’s the other thing is that I did a test run as well as someone, and I knew it wasn’t working after a month or two. And then now what do you do? Right. You kind of demote them back.

00:34:02:00 – 00:34:05:12

It’s just so demotivating. And it screws things up.

00:34:10:01 – 00:34:13:22

I mean, we’d love it to work right like that. This is the dream scenario.

00:35:31:01 – 00:35:36:04

What would you have done if you had gone back? Would you have just tried to do it for someone from the outside first? Or

00:35:36:17 – 00:35:48:17

for what? About giving people a shot? Because there’s definitely people that want to, you know, hey, I love to see what this is like. And they’re they’ve been doing great. And it’s like, this could work.

00:36:03:03 – 00:36:49:02

Yeah, yeah.

00:36:49:04 – 00:36:59:05


00:36:59:08 – 00:37:16:05

Yeah. That’s, by the way, when these businesses that we use a lot is, b h r s, he’s Wendy. She helps us with interviewing a ton. So she’ll screen a lot of people and get them started. Create HR docs, press just that kind of stuff. Hugely

00:37:16:05 – 00:37:17:17


00:37:17:17 – 00:37:24:13

okay, so we’ve got a production manager. We’ve got outsource art department, one front office person, one printer or or two.

00:37:24:13 – 00:37:25:05

There’s got to be

00:37:25:05 – 00:37:31:13

more than one.

00:38:29:17 – 00:38:42:17

Got it. I guess to to cap off one to call it 1.5 or so, is that, you know, are you talking for, like, where does the break down between full part time? Are you trying to do like half and half in case of the swings of

00:38:42:17 – 00:38:44:05


00:38:44:05 – 00:38:46:17

times, slow time? How do you balance that?

00:38:51:07 – 00:38:52:17

Got it. Okay.

00:40:00:18 – 00:40:09:05


00:40:17:11 – 00:40:27:17

I think everybody thinks that. Like that’s the way. Until you just burn out from so many direct reports, like you just dealing with individual fires in every department all the time.

00:40:33:09 – 00:40:47:05

Well, I thought it could have been 10 to 15, but it’s definitely 5 to 7 max. Maybe eight if you’re really pushing it. But I think 5 to 7 max is the ideal.

00:40:51:17 – 00:41:11:14

Yeah. And honestly, I would say too, that if there’s a department where there are, let’s say just, you know, general production or just general printing, right? You’ve got, let’s say, three people that are working full time there. I think at least in our business, we had one person that would be more of like a senior slash lead type.

00:41:11:14 – 00:41:35:11

So that was the natural kind of okay, hey, they deal with sort of the minute issues that may crop up instead of it just floating directly, because if like all 3 to 5 people just float directly to you every time, it is insane. Mikey gets insane really quickly. So if they can go and like, you know, Mary or whatever is the the, the, the lead, she’s been in the longest, she knows how to deal with the problems.

00:41:35:11 – 00:41:43:17

Like, hey, I want you to deal with it. And if you need to escalate it, bring it to me. That’s a little hack that makes, a lot of sense. And it’s helpful.

00:41:43:22 – 00:42:13:13

Some advice that you gave me early on, Bruce was build the org structure and put your name. But even if that role isn’t hired yet, put your name by it if you fill that role. So in an organization, if you have a CEO, CFO, CMO, CEO, if you have director of sales, VP is if you’ve got operation, people like go on Google and look up huge company org charts and start to write your name by what you do and what other people do.

00:42:13:15 – 00:42:31:15

And even if you haven’t hired for them yet or you’re not planning on hiring it, it’s still very important to be conscious of how a thriving organization should run. And so people will say like, okay, Stephen, what do you do at campus? Think right now it’s like, I am the acting VP of sales. I co do it with Kevin, right?

00:42:31:17 – 00:42:47:05

and even though I’m the CEO today, I am the VP of sales. Right. but I’m not the VP of marketing, and I’m not the CFO, and I’m not the CTO. But you know, we since we haven’t hired the VP of sales yet, I put my name by that box.

00:42:50:02 – 00:43:16:07

Yeah. Just to plan out for the year. So we said this is where we want to be at at the end of the year, I think, I, I think, like, we all want to be a little bit cute or inventive with the org structure is like, you know, we’re a little unique and and how we do this and, and that is not the space to be inventive or cute about, like just, just copy the de facto or structure that everybody does when they grow up and become a big company and start fleshing out.

00:43:16:07 – 00:43:21:17

There’s a lot of other ways to be, you know, cute about different services and offerings, but

00:43:21:17 – 00:43:23:14

not this one.

00:43:23:14 – 00:43:39:05

Stewart on here. he was messaging me on Instagram. he’s working on a ton of processes and procedures because he’s so involved in every part of the business. And he’s like, how do I start to delegate of elevate and get my hands out of these things? And so, he got some homework reading.

00:43:39:05 – 00:43:43:05

He got traction. He’s written it right now. He’s put on his Instagram this morning.

00:43:43:09 – 00:43:44:17

Oh heck yeah.

00:44:13:12 – 00:44:21:05

I put, 100 an hour, by the way, at 2 million, that the owner’s time is worth. You think that’s worth? Do you think that’s accurate?

00:44:25:07 – 00:44:30:17

That means that they’re taking home, roughly,

00:44:30:17 – 00:44:32:05


00:44:32:05 – 00:44:35:17

200,010% or so.

00:44:35:17 – 00:44:40:05

Said hi to

00:44:40:05 – 00:44:42:17

hi. What do you think is reasonable?

00:45:02:17 – 00:45:04:17

All right. I’ll put 75 an hour.

00:45:07:05 – 00:45:26:01

But that does give good context as to saying even at a million, you know, at 50 to call 75 an hour. You know, it’s like, what do you what are you spending time doing? Like, it was that task worth, you know, is that thing that you just went two hours worth 150 bucks, you know, and I bet 80% of it.

00:45:26:01 – 00:45:27:17

The answer would be now, all right,

00:45:27:17 – 00:45:30:05

read. Yeah. Go ahead.

00:45:30:05 – 00:45:31:17

Yeah. So,

00:45:31:17 – 00:45:33:05

you know, let’s take

00:45:33:05 – 00:45:40:17

the the folks that we had a 2 million what do you think it’s ad what what did you guys add at that at that, bracket?

00:45:44:05 – 00:45:45:17

3 million.

00:46:25:05 – 00:46:37:08

kept adding on employees, to reinvent the way we did $3 million. This is the transition from Campus Inc of really being B2B. The data. See, this is where we started to turn into a little bit of an agency.

00:46:37:09 – 00:46:59:19

but I say this several times over at the cost of running a $3 million business in a $5 million business is 3 to 4 employees, and it all is dependent on your sales and marketing. and so this is where I started to have some employees that are making 75, $200,000. this is where I had, you know, full, dedicated people all running different parts of the company.

00:46:59:19 – 00:47:04:07

So was there management at each level or what were the managers at?

00:48:14:17 – 00:48:16:01

Yeah. The print

00:48:16:01 – 00:48:20:01

profit or. Oh.

00:48:20:01 – 00:48:21:13

Profit first. Integrated. Right.

00:48:25:13 – 00:48:27:01


00:48:31:13 – 00:48:33:01

Got it. Oh. That’s right. Yeah.

00:49:09:01 – 00:49:10:01


00:49:10:01 – 00:49:15:13

Hey, that’s. That’s a good last chapter in the book right there. You just. Just close the book.

00:49:35:13 – 00:50:00:16

Do you think, the last blank here is managers at 5 million. Right. So we had 3 million. 20 people seem like pretty evenly split between production and sales. 5 million. Is it, just you said adding a couple more people on the sales and marketing side, are you? I’m assuming you still have the production manager. You talked a little bit about CFO.

00:50:00:16 – 00:50:06:01

You know, someone managing sales. were there any others?

00:51:01:13 – 00:51:03:01

That’s cool. All

00:51:03:01 – 00:51:08:13


00:51:10:13 – 00:51:12:01

Hope not. Chili’s.

00:51:18:01 – 00:51:20:01

I know we need to

00:51:20:01 – 00:51:22:01

raise a fund. Buy them out.

00:51:22:01 – 00:51:23:13

All right. I think that’s good.

00:51:39:16 – 00:51:55:18

Yeah. Producers, we appreciate you guys joining us for another episode. Yeah. Stephen said hopefully this demystifies a little bit around the corner, which, we love to do and share, and we will see you guys on the next episode. All right. Have a great week.

00:51:55:18 – 00:52:17:23

Thanks so much for listening. Hopefully that was informative. Don’t forget to subscribe. Don’t forget to like, don’t forget to hit the bell for notifications. If you enjoyed this video, if you enjoy all the stuff we’re putting out, it’s really helpful. We love to just be able to see it. That means that we’re doing a good job. To subscribe, hit the bell for notifications and hit the like button and I’ll see you in the next episode.

00:52:18:00 – 00:52:24:07




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